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Welcome to Mrs. Virostko's Third Grade Math!

In this class, we will be learning many new math concepts and skills that will be an important foundation to more difficult concepts in future math classes.

Multiplication fluency is one of the main objectives we have in ALL of Third Grade.  We will learn multiplication concepts, strategies, and start building our fact fluency (0-10) at the beginning of the year.

Math Homework

Homework is sent home as a

packet on Mondays, due by Friday

(unless otherwise noted).

  Homework will consist of basic

facts (Addition, Subtraction, and

Multiplication), plus a couple

more sheets of content we have

learned in class.

more info

What are we learning?

Students should be practicing their multiplication facts 0-10 on a daily basis.  Basic multiplication facts make higher-level math a LOT easier in the future.

3/6 -- We are learning about fractions....Fractions of a whole shape, Fractions of a set of things, Fractions on a number line, and fractions equal to one whole.

We have started practicing our understanding of what multiplication is.  We have learned how to combine equal groups and show multiplication as repeated addition.  We have also set up arrays to help us see multiplication in an organized way. Soon, we will begin focusing on individual factors through 10's to help build our fact fluency.
